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Blanketweed Eliminator

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Eliminates Blanketweed FAST!


An infusion of natural minerals, enzymes and additives.

Simply use one heaped spoonful (enclosed) per 300L.

Formulation contains beneficial bacteria strains.

Reduces nutrients such as nitrate & phosphate that feed on blanketweed and algae, also reduces bottom-sludge, murky water and unpleasant odours.


  • Stops blanketweed effectively.

  • Quick and easy to use.

  • Simply mix the correct amount of powder with pond water in a bucket or watering can and pour back into your pond.

  • Please note that this product is not chemical based but only contains natural minerals, enzymes and additives.

  • Use in your pond from early spring when water temperature is above 10 degrees centigrade.

  • Treats 11,250 litres.

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